Cat Vaccinations

Cat Vaccinations from a Veterinarian Near You at Our Animal Clinic

Making sure pet vaccinations are provided initially and ongoing throughout your pet's lifetime helps maintain their good health. As part of your pet's annual examination, our veterinary services at Fairway Knolls Veterinary Hospital in Bloomington, IL, include cat vaccinations and dog vaccinations.

Cat Vaccinations

The Benefits of Pet Vaccinations

Both canines and felines benefit from vaccinations to support their health. They are an essential factor in preventing your feline from infections and disease.

Cat Vaccinations at Our Animal Clinic

There are two types of vaccinations to consider for feline pet parents. These are core vaccines and non-core vaccines. Our vet will discuss with you the type of vaccine your cat should receive based on its age and breed. The vet will also let you know when the next vaccination will be due.

Core Vaccines

●             Rabies - an infection transmitted by infected animals via a bite. Rabies is fatal.

●             Feline calicivirus (FCV) - a contagious respiratory infection.

●             Feline panleukopenia virus (FPV)

●             Feline herpesvirus (FHV1) - an upper respiratory infection.

●             Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) - transmitted by an infected animal when it comes in contact with your cat. The infection can be deadly.

Non-Core Vaccines

Non-core vaccines are also important, but they are determined primarily by your pet's lifestyle. The vet will ask if your cat is strictly an indoor feline or if he or she has access to the outside where they may come in contact with an infected animal or cat.

Non-core vaccines include:

●             Feline immunodeficiency, also referred to as Feline Aids (FIV). FIV is a viral disease that attacks a cat's immune system.

●             Chlamydia Felis - bacteria causing conjunctivitis and respiratory infections.

●             Bordetella bronchiseptica - another bacteria that can evolve into an upper respiratory infection.

●             Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) - a potentially deadly viral disease.

Get Veterinary Care, Cat Vaccinations, Dog Vaccinations, and Pet Vaccinations from a Veterinarian Near You at Our Animal Clinic

Get your dog or cat vaccinated and keep them current with a visit to Fairway Knolls Veterinary Hospital in Bloomington, IL. Knowing you have added that layer of protection to your pet provides a level of peace and security knowing your cat is protected. It's important to remember that dog vaccinations are also necessary for your pup to sustain good health, too. Call us at (309) 663-1414 for veterinary care, cat vaccinations, dog vaccinations, and pet vaccinations from a veterinarian near you at our animal clinic


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